
To explore visualization of multiple streams of activity, I developed a tool, ChronoViz, that creates visualizations of video, data, and associated annotations.

Features of ChronoViz include:

  • Playback, scrubbing, and fine-grained control of video
  • Visualization of video frames and audio waveforms
  • Creation and modification of annotations
  • Filtering and search of annotations
  • Display of time-series data, geographic position data, transcript data, eye-tracking data, and motion-tracking data
  • Interactive alignment of multiple video, audio, and data sources
  • Integration with digital notes from Anoto-based digital pen and interactive paper systems
  • Export of annotations to a Simile Timeline for display in a web browser

ChronoViz runs on Mac OS X 10.6 and later, can work with video in any format understood by Quicktime, and can import data in a number of formats.

For more information and to download ChronoViz, visit